I've always been of the mindset to let nature take care of itself and let the strong survive. But we are in unnatural conditions for the third winter in a row, with temperatures that feel like summertime during the day and winter at night. The neighborhood birds need help finding food. So I put out lots of mealworms and birdseeds and nuts. There is no editing. Nothing fancy. This was a couple weeks ago, and I'm clearing my camera out. I'd forgotten I recorded this.
Just doing me and mine, but you're welcome to follow along! This blog started off as just a bit of a ho-hum diary, kind of a place to empty the brain of loose ends. It has become now a place to spare my desk of thousands of notebooks filled with my thoughts of the day, and even just to connect with my new framily on Youtube. If you want to contact me about my doctoral dissertation editing, please contact me via your university's editors' listings. I don't discuss those topics here. Thank you!